Connect to the Wisdom of your Natural Self 

Embody the Science and the Spirit of the Cycle

Fertility Awareness - Womb Yoga - Women's Mysteries - Menstrual Education 




Sacred Territory Journey

$95 / month

on the ten month payment plan

  • Five Month Journey
  • Fortnightly Online Live Gatherings
  • Online Portal with Recordings
  • Two Private Consultations in Fertility Awareness 
  • Sacred Territory Diary
  • Sacred Territory Thermometer
  • Sacred Territory Anointing oil 
  • Tool and Practices for Menstrual Cycle Wellness
  • Space for the Embodiment of your learnt knowledge
  • Accountability
  • A Community of Sisters
Find out more here!

Sacred Territory Journey is my signature program where you will learn everything you need to live in peace and empowerment with your cycle!


Sacred Territory is a four month menstrual cycle tracking journey like no other. You will be supported to develop your own charting & journaling practice by learning the modalities of Fertility Awareness and Shamanic Womancraft. This process is enhanced by working with womb yoga & ritual practices. Once learnt & applied, this invaluable knowledge can be implemented in your life for years to come! 


+ Live in peace with your cycle

+ A toolkit of practices to use throughout your menstrual month

+ Identify ovulation and predict menstruation

+ Feel deeply connected to your womb


By the end of this Journey you will have embodied both the science (Fertility Awareness) and the Spirit (Shamanic Womancraft) of the cycle

Britt really embodies what she teaches, and what she teaches is deeply important, widely forgotten wisdom, delivered from the heart. She also holds space beautifully - I highly recommend working with her.

 Liz Tavener

Course Participant


I share my love of Yoga, the Women's Mysteries, Menstrual Education and Natural Fertility Education to help women empower themselves and find a sense of peace and 'home' within their own bodies.


Read My Story