Hi, I'm Brittany, you can call me Britt!
I must admit, I am a little diary and cycle enthusiastic! I have been diary writing since the age of seven and tracking my menstrual cycle for the last 10 years. For eight of those years I have been using my own home-designed diary. My formal training has been with fertility specialists, world renowned menstrual educators and brilliant Yoga and Ayurveda teachers. As a Natural Fertility Educator and Menstrual Educator I can bring you clear and concise, up-to-date information. As a Shamanic Womancrafter and Womb Yoga Teacher I can provide nourishing practices and hold space for depth and the Sacred.
A bit about my personal story...
My journey into the Yoni began 11 years ago when, out of the blue, I started to experience debilitating period pain. Little did I know at the time but this would be the start of a deep relationship with my body, my womb space and the divine. At the time I was recommended to go on the pill, however, I had a feeling that this was just not right for me. Instead, I began to study from various teachers, track my menstrual cycle, retreat during my moon blood and learn as much as I could from books and other resources.
My curiosity and strong belief in the healing power of the universe in my body led me to learn from Jane Hardwick Collins, a teacher of the women’s mysteries, radical yogini Uma Dinsmore Tuli, and ayurveda and Yoga teacher Katie Rose. I was also called to understand the workings of the female reproductive system from the scientific model and studied with fertility specialist Kerry Hampton. I continue to be mentored by many of these teachers. Alongside my official studies I have navigated my own health and healing journeys with endometriosis, HPV and cervical dysplasia.
I teach from personal experience as well as learnt knowledge. My philosophy, which is ever expanding, is that health and healing is not a destination but a daily endeavour and a way of life. I believe that true health and healing occurs on all levels, physical, mental, energetic and spiritual. The work that I offer is once piece of your puzzle. Self-responsibility is key.
Education and Training:
- School of Shamanic Womancraft, Four Seasons Journey, 2017
- School of Shamanic Womancraft, Moonsong Facilitation Training, 2018
- Lifestyle Exposures & Fertility Health - Proven Lifestyles for Fertility Health & Conceiving with Dr Kerry Hampton, Wise Woman Business, 2018
- Lifestyle Exposures & Fertility Health - Proven Lifestyles for Fertility Health & Conceiving with Dr Kerry Hampton, Wise Woman Business, 2021
- Fertility Charting Across Reproductive Life - Assisting Couples to Achieve Pregnancy Naturally with Dr Kerry Hampton, Wise Woman Business, 2021
- Well Woman Yoga Therapy Womb Yoga Teacher Training, Uma Dinsmore Tuli, 2021
- Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, Sukha Muhka Yoga School, Idit Heffer, 2023
- Fertility Charting Across Reproductive Life - Assisting Couples to Achieve Pregnancy Naturally with Dr Kerry Hampton, Wise Woman Business, 2023
- Lifestyle Exposures & Fertility Health - Proven Lifestyles for Fertility Health & Conceiving with Dr Kerry Hampton, Wise Woman Business, 2024
- Ayurveda Goddess Health Educator Certificate, Katie Rose, 2023-2024
- Women's Health and Hormones Part 1: Hormone Balance and Stagnation, Dr Claudia Welch, 2024-2025
Yoni in Sanskrit means 'womb, vulva, source, origin, abode, nest and family.'
Maya Tiwari
understand the workings of your female reproductive system on an intellectual level. This is an important step in reinhabiting the pelvis by filling in the gaps that a lot of high school education may have missed.
empower yourself by teaching you the language of your body so you can identify ovulation, predict bleeding and make sense of the premenstrual phase. Understanding one’s own body in this way can create a sense of sovereignty and confidence and demystify the unknown.
begin a cycle tracking and journalling practice of self inquiry and self reflection where you can receive deep insights that no one else could have told you. The outcomes of this can be self validation, self trust and self belonging.
cultivate daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal and yearly habits and rituals to nourish your body, enliven your energy and encourage healing on all levels.
grow a sense of peace and ‘home’ within yourself by building awareness through womb yoga and vinyasa krama practices.
connect to the earth and the elements, your heart and womb to nurture your sense of belonging to oneself and belonging to the earth.