My journey into the Yoni began 11 years ago when, out of the blue, I started to experience debilitating period pain. Little did I know at the time but this would be the start of a deep relationship with my body, the divine feminine and the earth. At the time I was recommended to go on the pill however I had a feeling that this was just not right for me. Instead, I began to study from various teachers, track my menstrual cycle, retreat during my moon blood and learn as much as I could from books and other resources.


My curiosity and strong belief in the healing power of the universe led me to learn from Jane Hardwick Collins, a teacher of the women’s mysteries, radical yogini Uma Dinsmore Tuli, and ayurveda and Yoga teacher Katie Rose. I was also called to understand the workings of the female reproductive system from the scientific model and studied with fertility specialist Kerry Hampton. I continue to be mentored by many of these teachers. Alongside my official studies I have navigated my own health and healing journeys with endometriosis, HPV and cervical dysplasia. This is where so many of my learnings have occurred.


I believe that balancing the subtle work with a solid understanding of the physiology of the body is of utmost importance. Yoga and Ayurveda teach us that to create health and healing we need to care for all the bodies; the physical, energetic, mental, emotional and intuitive. It brings me immense joy to cultivate this in my own life and offer these teachings to my clients.


I focus on cultivating trust, love, safety and pleasure and invite my students to do the same. I offer online and in-person menstrual education, natural fertility education and womb yoga classes. These can be accessed in 1:1 appointments, group classes, workshops and programs. I also offer educational services to 

Yoni in Sanskrit means 'womb, vulva, source, origin, abode, nest and family.'

Maya Tiwari



  • understand the workings of your female reproductive system on an intellectual level. This is an important step in reinhabiting the pelvis by filling in the gaps that a lot of high school education may have missed.  

  • empower yourself by teaching you the language of your body so you can identify ovulation, predict bleeding and make sense of the premenstrual phase. Understanding one’s own body in this way can create a sense of sovereignty and confidence and demystify the unknown.

  • begin a cycle tracking and journalling practice of self inquiry and self reflection where you can receive deep insights that no one else could have told you. The outcomes of this can be self validation, self trust and self belonging. 
  • cultivate daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal and yearly habits and rituals to nourish your body, enliven  your energy and encourage healing on all levels. 
  • grow a sense of peace and ‘home’ within yourself by building awareness through womb yoga and vinyasa krama practices.  
  • connect to the earth and the elements, your heart and womb to nurture your sense of belonging to oneself and belonging to the earth. 


I acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which I live and on which these photographs were taken, the Darug and Gundungurra people. I acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded. I acknowledge the continued connection that the Durug and Gundungurra people have with this land.